Stop whining and just do it!
So I had this big blog post all about trying to clean my house started in Word and my computer shut down. It was not saved. Eh oh well! I was frustrated with my computer that I got up, found something that actually entertained my daughter enough so she would let me leave her side. Guess what I got to do, start to clean my house. I, now can see my dining room/kitchen floor. It is swept up and everything. I started gathering up laundry and got my kids fed too.
My lesson is stop whining and just do it. Work through the issue that is holding you back. Whining does nothing to help me get my house cleaned up. Whining about having to deal with Lily and her issues are not going to get her better any quicker. I just need to suck it up and work through everything, as best as I can!
My lesson is stop whining and just do it. Work through the issue that is holding you back. Whining does nothing to help me get my house cleaned up. Whining about having to deal with Lily and her issues are not going to get her better any quicker. I just need to suck it up and work through everything, as best as I can!