I don't know if any of you follow or have heard of
Dave Ramsey. He is a money guru who has an awesome book called the Total Money Makeover (which I totally recommend to everyone!). In his book, he talks about the snowball effect which is about how a small change can motivate you to keep making bigger changes, like how a snowball gets larger as it rolls down a hill. He applies this example to getting out of debt but I am using it to talk about my journey to reclaiming my house from stuff.
Yesterday, I talked about how just deeply purging clothes made my house feel lighter and helped to settle the constant chaos that we felt. The day after I started the clothing, I decided to tackle another job that I had been putting off: my yarn stash/cabinet. The doors would not even shut on it anymore because it was so messy. It was a big task but I had this mindset that it was going to be done.
Before and After |
I moved on from there and tackled the entertainment cabinet and tided and swept the floor. I even dusted all of the room before I realized how much that I had gotten done! My husband came home and was in total shock and disbelief.
Over the next few days, I tackled my kids' rooms and some of their toys, my bedroom, my linen closet, and my kitchen! Some of these tasks took the whole day to do and other only minutes, once I actually started them!
My after kitchen (forgot a before shot!) |
My bedroom closet |
The linen/storage closet |
We have a tiny hallway area and it does not take long to become a huge mess! |
The top of my fridge |
This whole process took about two weeks to work through. It was a lot of work but so worth it. We still have a basement full of stuff to go get rid of but really need Mr. A home to help with the heavy lifting. I am still finding things to purge as I tidied up the main living area daily. I am reaping benefits ever single day! I will talk more about that tomorrow though!