Back to my story: I looked at this item of clothing that my daughter has never even wore before but I had washed multiple times and said this is the last time that I am washing it. I am done. I refuse to spend time and energy to keep all of this stuff clean. It is time to remove it from my home. It and many other items were washed, dried and placed into a empty green basket. Within two loads of laundry, that empty basket was full and overflowing. I just kept washing, drying, folding and purging and it took about a week to get through it all. That basket is currently full again and will have a permanent place near my laundry area.
My trusty green donation basket! |
The rule was that if it did not fit in my kids' dressers, it was going. For my husband and I, the rule was we had to love the item or it was gone. We just simply did not have room for this many pieces of clothing in this house. We were done with living out of laundry baskets. I took three smaller baskets and labelled them for each type of laundry load: dark clothing, colour clothing, and whites and one large baskets for linens/towels. It is as simple as that, no fancy storage system, just a Sharpie and cheap baskets that I already owned.
My not so fancy laundry system after all the laundry was finally caught up! I am pretty proud of this picture! |
It took approximately a week to wash and sort all the clothes in this house. When I finished, we had
10 over stuffed bags for donation and one bag that my husband took for car cleaning rags. I was in complete shock and ashamed of the unused excess. How could I have let this happen? Why did we have so much while so many are going with out?
This was the first load that went for donation! |
An amazing thing happened after this process started: my floors through my house stayed cleaner longer! I have purged clothes before but only what was too small, I never hardcore purged to the point where only the kids' dressers had clothes in them. I would hold onto clothing that they would never wear because they hated the item but I thought it was cute! I allowed my daughter go through her clothes alone and then I went through what she kept with her, my boys did not care what I kept.
Just purging clothes made my house lighter. My heart and spirit feel lighter.
The best part is that it is started a snowball of a need to go through my entire main floor area.....