Lessons Learned
Too much stuff weighs your whole being down. Letting go of it all, is so freeing and life changing. We have been programed to think that more things will make us happier but that is a pure lie. Excess stuff holds you back. It creates fears of not being good enough. Too many things creates chaos and disorder in your house and mind. Through this process, I have learned that without all the stuff that I can breathe easier, that I am more at peace in my mind and soul, I am not dreading someone showing up unexpectedly because my house is a giant mess because I have no place for all of these things that I have accumulated. Owning less is way easier than trying to clean up excess stuff all the time. This is the simple lesson that I learned through all of this. Simple but true! Major differences that have happened: - My floors are staying cleaner longer. There was too much stuff that had no home, so it ended up on the floor. - My laundry is staying caught up. I can d...