Speaking Love About My Husband Even When It Is Hard!

I will not call him out on Facebook and make him look like a jerk because he has displeased me in some way. I will not be passive aggressive and post memes or pictures about how men are all lazy and complete idiots, and how hard it is to be the one who does everything. No one needs to know every detail of our marriage, good or bad. I would be really upset if he went on Facebook and complained because I didn't clean the kitchen one day but neglected to say that I have done it every other day of the month.
We need to be our spouse's biggest cheerleader, not their biggest critic. We need to build them up and encourage them in everything. I will brag about his willingness to help at home, look after our kids, work hard, how he is good friend, how he is a wonderful husband and father who leads his family with humility and grace.
Has complaining publicly about him or her, changed your issues with them? I am guessing no because it is still happening every time you do not feel appreciated enough.