Day 6/7 Learning Patience In This "Everything Now" World

In this "info at your fingertips now" kind of world that we live in now, I find I have no patience. I have gotten used to things being done as soon as I want it to be. I can inform the whole world of anything in an instant. I can take a picture of my kids and show my family right then. Download a new favourite song right to my iPhone as soon as I hear it for the first time. I have become too used to not waiting for anything in life.

I am finding that as a Mom of small children (almost 6 yrs. old, 4 yrs. old and 2.5 months) that I am expecting things to be done in the very moment when I ask them to be. Kids do not work like the Internet does. They do not follow a sequence of key strokes or finger taps. They have their own thoughts and feelings.

I am learning that I need to work on my patience with my babies. They are my children and I want to them grow up with a patient and loving mom. I don't want their memories to be of me losing my cool because the toys were not picked up when I asked the very first time. I want them to love fond and happy memories of us laughing and playing. I have to remember that they are still very young kids who have a lot of growing and learning to do. I have to have patience in order to teach patience to them.

I do not want to give the world at age 18, whiny, selfish and impatient kids who want everything their way. We have enough of those type of kids running around already. I want to give the world, dependable, loving, patient kids who don't mind waiting their turn.

I know people say to be careful what you wish for because you will be tested on your wish. I need more patience. I know it will be tried and tested to it's fullest extent. Still though, I need it. To be the Mama to my kids that I want to be, I need it now.

So I am now praying for the strength to be patient in those testing moments. So I can feel the joy that is mine, in raising my kids!

We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, (Colossians 1:11 NLT)

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