Lily's trip to the hospital
Lily before we called 911 |
Last Thursday Jan 13th, we took Lily into the ER to be checked. She was running a 103.9 F fever and coughing excessively. She was sent for a chest x-ray which the doc diagnosed her with pneumonia in her right lung. He thought it was completely treatable at home. He prescribed a med called Biaxian. We were sent home and told she was going to be ok.
She had 4 days of the med and did not seem to be getting better. Monday morning, Jan 17th, she started to struggle to breathe. She became very lethargic and we called 911. We were transported to the hospital and immediately put into the ER. She was the place in the top of the triage. Her respirations were at 50% and o2 was at 87-90% and running a high fever. The doc who seen her on Thursday just happened to be working. He could not believe how much worse she had gotten. He diagnosed her with viral pneumonia and said he was admitting her to PEDS. Basically you cannot treat viral pneumonia, they try to treat it like a bacteria but it is does not always work.
We were admitted to PEDS and taken for another chest x-ray. We returned to our room. The respiratory therapist came and looked at her. He set up all the things for an o2 mask and a saline mist. They came to do blood work and she was AMAZING, she did not even cry. They could not believe how calm she was. They gave her Tylenol and started a strong dose of penicillin.
Her brother, Nennie and Papa came to see her and she perked up. She asked to go play in the playroom with Bubba.
Around 9 pm everyone else was gone and it was just Lily buggy and Mama. We settled for bed and she went to sleep for 1.5 hrs. She woke up with severe coughing around 10:30 and a fever. She was given Tylenol again. It made her very hyper. We made another trip to the playroom so we did not disturb our roommates. She kept having severe coughing spells for the next couple of hours. We tried a saline mist which she hated. Around 2 am she finally got settled enough to sleep.
Around 3:30 am she woke up with a high fever and was again treated for it. This time she was so exhausted that she fell back to sleep. She slept off and on until 8 am.
When she woke up at 8 am, she was feeling so much better! The nurse and doctor could not believe the change in her. She asked to eat and was acting like Lily again. They gave her more meds and told us we could take her home!
As a mom this was one of the scariest times of my life. Thankfully I had people all over the world praying for my little girl! I know it was those prayers touched the heart of God and that He calmed the breathing issues! It is my prayer and hope that every person that raised my daughter’s name to God and sent her positive thoughts will be truly blessed! I am so thankful for each of you. Keep the prayers and thoughts coming!
Her this morning, eating a pop tart and smiling away! |