
Showing posts from January, 2011

Good bye Hives and Hello Normal Lily!

I woke up to singing this morning! Lily wakes up singing every morning when she is not sick. Today she was singing :o). It was one of the most beautiful songs that I have every heard. I got up and went into her room to find a smiling and giggling 2 yr old. She is a little girl who has very few hives on her! She has on few on her cheeks, both sets LOL. It is nice to see her not scratching her itchies all day. She has been watching cartoons and play/fighting with her brother all morning. So far they have had a tea party and are now playing with ZsuZsu pets. They also help me gather laundry up. My little helper is back! I am so glad that she is feeling better. It was hard watching her in so much discomfort and pain. She was miserable and I could not seem to help her. She is now going to be able to enjoy her brother's bowling birthday party tomorrow. We are so thankful for all the prayers and good thoughts during through this whole ordeal. It means so much that you all care about...

Stop whining and just do it!

So I had this big blog post all about trying to clean my house started in Word and my computer shut down. It was not saved. Eh oh well! I was frustrated with my computer that I got up, found something that actually  entertained my daughter enough so she would let me leave her side. Guess what I got to do, start to clean my house. I, now can see my dining room/kitchen floor. It is swept up and everything. I started gathering up laundry and got my kids fed too. My lesson is stop whining and just do it. Work through the issue that is holding you back. Whining does nothing to help me get my house cleaned up. Whining about having to deal with Lily and her issues are not going to get her better any quicker. I just need to suck it up and work through everything, as best as I can!

Happy Birthday to My Sweet Boy

Today is my sweet boy Cohen's 4th birthday. I cannot believe that I am a mom to a 4 yr old! Seriously, where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday, I was snuggling this sweet squishy chubby baby boy. Today I am getting looks like this lol He is such a sweet, silly and crazy kid who loves his sister dearly! His Dada and I love and cherish every hug and kiss he gives. He is so loving towards everyone he knows. Now we start the process of getting ready for school. My baby is growing up and I have no choice but to go along for the ride. He makes it interesting for sure!  Mama loves you Cohen and no matter what you say, you are still my baby with the cutest little baby cheeks! xoxoxox

We have a new friend.

This is what I woke up to this morning.  My daughter with swollen eyes and covered in hives. I freaked. I called my mom and my doc. The nurse recommend Benadryl since the doctor was out of the office today. I, of course, did not have any for some reason. My mom and I pack up the kids and rush to the pharmacy. The pharmacist sent us to the clinic up the road. We went there and they took her right in, thankfully since it is not our doctor's office. That doc told us to stop all medicines that she is on and to not introduce any new food or drink. He also prescribed an epi pen for us to carry. This is now our new constant companion. Thankfully she has not had any issues with her breathing. She is happy and smiling. Being plain, silly old Lily. 

Other bittersweet moment

A bittersweet mommy moment happened this am. My baby girl used the potty for the second time. She is so proud of herself. We took her on Saturday to Toys R Us and allowed her to choose her own potty. She chose a pink Princess one, of course. She was so excited when we got home. She had me open the box so she could sit on it. She sat on it for 30 mins, wrapped in a blanket. We had to bribe her to get off by saying she could sit on it all day, Sunday if she wanted too. It was the first thing she   looked for when she got up too.  This is the potty that she picked out! I am estactic at the thought of no more diapers but sadden too. She is my baby! I am ok with her talking in full sentances but diapers are the last link to babyhood for me. I am excited for this next phase of her young life:   freedom from diapers. Here is to a diaper free future!

Things will be ok!

Well   they ( whomever they are) always say that it has to get worse before it gets better. I am now sick and on 3 different prescriptions. Cohen has a nasty cough. We have a huge snowstorm coming tomorrow and we need grocires. Adam is going to have work an extra shift on Sunday. My house is destroyed. The odd thing is I am calm about it all. I know that we are all going to get better, have food to eat, the etxra money will be great, and the house will be cleaned again...some day lol. So for now I am going to concrated on getting better and getting my kids better. We all have someone higher looking out for us.

Lily's trip to the hospital

Lily before we called 911 Last Thursday Jan 13 th , we took Lily into the ER to be checked. She was running a 103.9 F fever and coughing excessively. She was sent for a chest x-ray which the doc diagnosed her with pneumonia in her right lung. He thought it was completely treatable at home. He prescribed a med called Biaxian. We were sent home and told she was going to be ok. She had 4 days of the med and did not seem to be getting better. Monday morning, Jan 17 th , she started to struggle to breathe. She became very lethargic and we called 911. We were transported to the hospital and immediately put into the ER. She was the place in the top of the triage. Her respirations were at 50% and o2 was at 87-90% and running a high fever. The doc who seen her on Thursday just happened to be working. He could not believe how much worse she had gotten. He diagnosed her with viral pneumonia and said he was admitting her to PEDS. Basically you cannot treat viral pneumonia, they try to trea...

On posting break for a few days.

We have been totally invade by germs in my house!!! My bubby boy has a double eye infection and my baby girl have pneumonia in her right lung. This set of parents are exhausted. We are spending the weeking playing doctors. Just pray everyone recovers and gets enough sleep.Prayer for a good night's sleep so we clean and disinfect tomorrow! We are preparing for war your nasty germs!

Re-learning an old lesson.

Ever feel like you need to hear something again? This is how I am feeling today. I need another lesson in patience. So today I am re-posting an old blog post from last year.   Enjoy. Monday, May 3, 2010 Lesson in Patience Yesterday Pastor Rob talked a little bit about patience. He said we have become an instantaneous society. We want things now and do not like when we have to wait for them. In turn, we have become very impatient. This made me think about my kids and my patience levels with them. If they do not listen to me the very 1st time I talk, than I am ready to lose it! I feel like I have no patience when it come to the people that I love the most. I realized that I need to ask for help to help me to have patience with my kids and husband. I also realized that I need patience in terms of my weight loss journey. I get so upset that the weight is not coming off like I want it too. I need to remember that it is a long road and not a street. I need patience in order to ...