What is on my mind today
I am having a hard understanding how people can do these horrible things to a small child/baby. How can you look at the innocent face and so coldly hurt them or even worse murder them. I have 2 kids and I know I have days where I am not the best mommy but I cannot intentionally hurt my kids. They are kids who will fight, cry, throw tantrums, have potty accidents and not want to nap. These are no reasons to hurt them in anyway.
These kids did not ask to be born but are punished for it. They should not have to pay for their "parents'" mistakes. I will just keep praying and hoping that every child is loved and cared for, the way they should.

These kids did not ask to be born but are punished for it. They should not have to pay for their "parents'" mistakes. I will just keep praying and hoping that every child is loved and cared for, the way they should.