Life In General

Finally my kitchen and bathroom are CLEAN. My floors are scrubbed. Life is good. Now if I could teach Cohen to stop throwing/dropping his cookies and Cheerios on the floor, life would be AWESOME! I would not trade that little turkey for anything!Today he started dancing to SexyBack and it was the funniest thing.

Now for a vent: Why do people assume that SAHM/DS get to just sit around and do nothing all day. I am so tired of hearing from people " You are so lucky, you get to stay home and watch TV take naps etc etc etc.

: I never get a nap, when DS is napping I am usually doing laundry or some form of housework. I don't get much done when he is awake. If I clean up while he is up, well it is a waste of my time. When I get my stuff done and he is still sleeping, I will than have Mama time. Just because I am not being paid cash for my job, DOES NOT mean I don't work my butt off. Just once I would love to have a crash test mama. Maybe I should apply for the show lol.
I feel much better now!

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