Day 6/7 Learning Patience In This "Everything Now" World
In this "info at your fingertips now" kind of world that we live in now, I find I have no patience. I have gotten used to things being done as soon as I want it to be. I can inform the whole world of anything in an instant. I can take a picture of my kids and show my family right then. Download a new favourite song right to my iPhone as soon as I hear it for the first time. I have become too used to not waiting for anything in life. I am finding that as a Mom of small children (almost 6 yrs. old, 4 yrs. old and 2.5 months) that I am expecting things to be done in the very moment when I ask them to be. Kids do not work like the Internet does. They do not follow a sequence of key strokes or finger taps. They have their own thoughts and feelings. I am learning that I need to work on my patience with my babies. They are my children and I want to them grow up with a patient and loving mom. I don't want their memories to be of me losing my cool because the toys were not...