Asking for Prayers and Good Thoughts

My good friend Alissa and her family are starting the process of rebuilding their lives. They went through and survived the devastating tornado that just ripped through Joplin, Missouri. They lost their home but by the grace of God all made it out alive. They found a new rental today and now are starting to rebuild their lives. They have a 5 yr old "C' who fights juvenile diabetes bravely everyday, cutie 4 yr old "E" and sweet 3.5 months baby "B". I am just asking that you keep them in your prayers as they start this new path in life.

I thank Jesus everyday for sparing their lives during that horrible tornado. Alissa you are a wonderful friend and I love you, Daniel and the boys dearly. You are so courageous and brave! If you need anything, I and all of your other friends are here for you!

Please keep the city of Joplin in your prayers too. There are so many devastated lives who are homeless, with out medication, lost family members. My family's prayers are with your city as you start to rebuild your city and lives.

 Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family. 
Proverbs 18:24

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