
Showing posts from June, 2010

Captured Moments by Jessica.

My best friend has started a small photography buisness and took some pic of my beautiful babies on the weekend. Here are my faves!

Random thoughts

I have days that I wonder how can my heart love these two people who are driving me crazy! Do not get me wrong, I love my kids with everything in me and they are the light of my life but some days... So today Cohen walks up to me and goes " Mama where are all the single ladies?" I could not do anything but laugh. Of course he wanted to dance to Single Ladies on YouTube but a mama of a 3.5 yr old boy is just not ready to hear that yet! Miss Lily decided to break up her time fighting with her brother and making up for it by loving on me. This kid definitely knows how to use her cuteness. She would just randomly walk over and go "Hi Mama!" and hug me.

It is back and new reading material!

I think I have found my motivation again! My mom and I have been taking the kids out for a walk in the AM. It may not be excessive excerise but it is something! I am starting to read You on a Diet by Drs. Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen. I love Dr. Oz on tv. I found this book at a library book sale so I picked it up for 1$. Here is a link about the book . I am not following the diet part. I was just interested in learning about how my body uses and stores food. I will share anything interesting that I read!

These are a few of my favorite things

Baby giggles Wet kisses Wake up smiles M&M’s Dogs Laughter with friends Bonfires S’mores Naptime Polka dots Free stuff Yard sales Thrift stores Sunny, breezy day Adam's smile Moments like this

Losing motivation quickly!

Well summer is here and so is all the good food. I have a weakness for cheddar smokies which are so bad for me!! BBQ and not wanting to cook because of the heat = Alot of high calories meals like sausages and take out food. I am trying so hard to fight the temptations but it is so hard. I hate cooking in the heat and it is so easy to just call for take out. The heat also makes me lazy and my motivation to excerise at all. I can see my motivation walking out the door. How can I get it back?!?!

Motherhood and Notes To My Babies

I am on this journey of motherhood. Never has anything brought on so many different emotions. It is amazing how much love you can feel for these little humans. They can drive you crazy but melt your heart with one little grin. I love to watch their eyes light up when they learn something new. Their little minds are constantly moving and absorbing new information. I am blessed to be choosen to help form their lives andreach their dreams. They are my true gifts from God and I am so thankful for them everyday. This does not mean that they do not drive me crazy at times. Thankfully I know that the happy moments far outweigh the bad ones. I pray that as they grow, they will always remember how much I love them andcherish everyday with them. Cohen you are my baby, no matter what you say. Mama loves you so much and that grin just melt my heart. You arestuch a smart little boy and I love watching you try to teach your sissy new things. You are such a good big brother! Liliana you are my li...

Time to see the doc.

I think it is time to talk to my doctor about this chronic tiredness that I have. I get 8 hours of sleep a night and still am so exhuasted in the morning. When the kids' naptime comes around, I am sleeping with them. I mean, a nap once in awhile is fine, but I should not need one everyday! At first I thought it was my meds that I am on. I know now that my meds should be raising my energy levels not depleting them. I am so tired of being tired! I want to be able to play with my kids and clean my house without taking a break!